astrology, moon, tarot

♏︎ New Moon in Scorpio Reading ♏︎

With the New Moon in Scorpio upon us, I decided to delve into the misty deep of the collective and ask the Oracle, “How can we incorporate the New Moon into our lives, to further our paths?”. Of course, the Universe responded.

Jumping right in, todays reading is a combination of a single-tarot card and an astrological reading. The card for this New Moon is the III of Swords reversed. The III of Swords is a card that ties to emotion; most obviously shown by the large heart pierced with 3 swords. Upright the card can be a warning of emotional trauma that is either un-dealt with or approaching, but reversed we can find closure. Breaking down the card we notice that the 3 represents growth, new ideas and expression. If 2’s are about manifestation and things coming into reality from the subconscious, 3’s are the growth and forward movement that comes after that. We also note the suit of swords which is logic, intellect, and pragmatic thinking. Swords show the sharp and unmistakeable piercing nature of using our reason; while cutting to the core of our problems and finding clean answers we remember that the sword is double-sided. Casualties are inevitable when we rely just on the left-side of our brain. The 3 swords shows that we are using our intellect and reason to work through this period of growth. This time of change requires swift, reasoned out action, which is show by the piercing of the heart. While we should cherish our emotions and realize that there is a time and place to truly feel our feelings, now is not that time. The card also represents forgiveness and moving-on. It can be hard to move forward when we are still wallowing in the past, so we can take this time to incorporate the Scorpio strength, which I’ll discuss in a bit, into our progress. We must forgive and forget. Coming to reason with our emotional ties, trauma, burdens and cutting ourselves free of them can be an act of forgiveness to those involved, and ourselves. Being kind to our spirits and laying to rest that which doesn’t serve us help moves us forward in spiritual, physical, emotional, and overall mental health. If your ties are more in the material realm, perhaps it’s time to cut your loses and move forward. For those with emotional and mental ties it can be a time of self-healing. Everyone will understand that you must recover first before you can be of assistance to others. The key to the III of Swords reversed is that it ends with a prediction of renewed energy and a continuation of your life path.

Ok, yes, now we move on to the juicy part of the Scorpio New Moon reading: discussing that powerful, and somewhat sensual, energy of this New Moon. The New Moon is a time for planting the seeds for new ideas and starting to focus on what you want to manifest for the next six months. With this New Moon, we are welcoming in some delicious Scorpio energy – personally an abundance of Scorpios have come into my life lately and I’m loving the teachings they bring but I digress – and receiving all the love that a New Moon has to offer. Scorpio is a water sign, so please stop saying it’s fire! Scorpio is emotional but not in the same way as a Cancer. Scorpios are emotional intellects, often dipping to the emotional lives of others as they can be very secretive with their own. The pairing of a Scorpio New Moon and the III of Swords is bringing forward a lot of emotional change and rebuilding. This New Moon can bring about a regenerative power and restoration of old wounds that have been holding us back. We also have the opportunity to stand on the outside and peer into the collective conscious; linking back up, and experiencing the emotions of the world around us. How often do you tune into the frequencies of that which surrounds you? Scorpios are notorious for being the magicians of the zodiac; masters of the craft by nature. They are given this title because of their third-party like view. Being comfortable wth ourselves often requires being comfortable with being alone and occasionally at a distance from everyone else. The healing that was discussed earlier as well as the cutting of ties that don’t serve us can require certain amount of emotional distance. Flashback to the III of Swords, we must pierce through are emotions for this moment to begin necessary growth. Let this New Moon inspire a time to be alone but not lonely. Realize that we are all connected and we are never truly alone, but sometimes we must turn within ourselves. Withdraw from the outside stimuli and see how we may be standing in the way of our own solutions.

The sign of Scorpio offers to us strength and divine wisdom. The New Moon brings us a new beginning to bring in our strong reasoning and emotional clarity to clear away the old inside our lives; bringing in light and sukha. Always remember to love yourself and see the divine guidance as a map, not a destination.

As above,

So below

astrology, horoscopes

♀Venus in Retrograde♀

As many astrologers and witches alike turn to the stars for answers,  we realize that for the next six weeks, Venus will be in retrograde! As we know, Venus is not only the goddess of love and relationships but also values, authenticity, and how we connect with people on an emotional level. This retrograde will last from March 4th to April 15th, starting in confident Aries and then falling back into the emotional sign of Pisces. During this Venus retrograde you’ll find that the biggest punches come from the last two weeks, while the beginning four weeks are just opening you up; preparing you to meet the love of your life perhaps!

To be noted: don’t make any moves to secure your twin flame until AFTER the retrograde.

This retrograde, as I said, is going to make you question your values. You should start to meditate on wha it is that you truly value in yourself, friends, and lovers. These values are subject to change often because as a light being you are constantly growing and ascending to new heights, and this may require you to change your values. What you wanted in a love last year may be different now and that’s O.K. !

Venus also helps us to understand the things that guide us in life. The more real-life and attainable goals with just a dash of loving fantasy. A tip might be to start opening up your heart chakra and calling down the wisdom of both Venus and Ishtar, as Venus will fall back into her dark ways in the later weeks of he retrograde.

Now of course with Venus comes love! You might get a call or text from an old friend who is town, or perhaps an old lover reaches out to you in hopes of restarting an old relationship. While these are all wonderful reconnections, you should still be careful of who you give your love to. Start carrying around a small chunk of rose quartz and focus on making decisions that are good for your heart. Reason whether this old flame is going to spark the appropriate feelings, and will they link up with your new found values.

You may also have deal with situations that make you question who and what you care about. Venus, is the beautiful Maiden who is loving and accepting of all; she does not have that learned wisdom that the Mother has or the skepticism of the Crone. So it is vital that you start to realize who is deserving of your love and what is worth your affection and time. While you should always keep a loving and open nature, you must appreciate that even the prettiest of roses can come with the sharpest thorns. Sometimes it is O.K. to love from a distance, and leave it at that.

Remember to love yourself, love your enemies, and love the Universe.

Only with Love and Truth,



Feb 12, 2017 Planets

Feb 12, 2017 Planets 10:58 am (EST)

Moon: Virgo

Sun: Aquarius

Mercury: Aquarius

Venus: Aries

Mars: Aries

Jupiter: Rx

Saturn: Sagittarius

Uranus: Aries

Neptune: Pisces

Pluto: Capricorn

North Node (NN): Virgo

For the purpose of the day-to-day life I’ll only go over the Inner Planets : the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. I’ll also talk about the King of all Kings, Jupiter!

Moon in Virgo: 

The Moon has fallen into the sensible, earth sign Virgo. You may find yourself a bit more sensitive during this time; especially coming off of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon. The mass expenditure of emotional energy over the last week or so has drained you, and you need to recharge. Might I suggest a nice, tidying up and/or rearranging of your space? Take the traditional route and use Sunday as your pamper day. Give your space that new wall hanging you’ve been meaning to put up, or try rearranging your altar with some new crystals. Bring in new and fresh vibrations.I also recommend meditating with Moonstone. Moonstone will clear the emotional mix-ups in your brain, allowing you to really dive deep while meditating.

Tip: To add some extra spice meditate listening to Tibetan Bowls in the Key of C

Sun in Aquarius:

The Sun in Aquarius is perfect for any creative projects you may have started lately. Aquarius has always been one of the most creative signs to me; even if they aren’t the next Van Gogh (even though they totally could be), Aquarians are great out-of-the-box thinkers. With the Sun in Aquarius, no D.I.Y is too tough! I think it’s time to revisit that old Pinterest for rainy-day-wine-mom-d.i.y.s. You might find yourself being quite aloof too. A lot more is being transformed on the inside, so expelling that energy to go out, and be social can be tough; that’s ok! Stay home, recreate your favorite pasta dish, and work on yourself. Based on your personal natal chart, you might be at risk for going FULL hermit, but avoid this at all cost! You’ll be coming up with too many great ideas that could help others, it’s not the time to cut off all of your connections.

Not yet.


Just not now.

Tip: Meditate with Goldstone

Mercury in Aquarius:

Mercury is the planet of ideas and communication. It rules over how we communicate, how we deal with new information, and our decision making. Aquarius is actually great when it comes to communication, because it is a very intellectual sign. Aquarians may be day-dreaming the whole day, but I promise the whole thing was narrated in perfect iambic pentameter. With Mercury in Aquarius you might be feeling a little bored with the usual, chit-chat of the everyday. In my opinion, with the Sun also in Aquarius, now is the time to take yourself out! A nice museum date to fulfill that desire for knowledge lately, and you won’t be bothered with mindless conversation. Take someone , or no one, and just zone out in the high ceilinged, marble halls. You might also be handed some new information soon, this was bound to happen to do all the Truth that was revealed with the Lunar Eclipse. Approach it analytical, don’t apply anymore emotion than needed.

Tip: Drink exclusively from a wine glass because you are worth it.

Venus in Aries:

Venus, Venus, Venus. It has truly been an amazing month for this Goddess. Not only was the planet Venus visible for the first 3 days of February, but the Leo Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse brought in a huge Love-Fest. Old flames may pop up in your head, remember them fondly and kiss them goodbye, as they float through your memory. A lot of realizations about romantic relationships may come out; they may not be handled right away, but they have revealed themselves. With Venus in Aries it is definitely the time to take it to the bedroom. If you’ve been holding off, then it’s time to finally let them in because, you will be turned ON. If you already have a lover, or fancy a little meeting with yourself, then it is time to try something new. Really continue rolling with that ball of change, and carry it into the private part of your life. New toys maybe?

Tip: Only eat Dark Chocolate on Valentines Day.

Mars in Aries:

Mars is the ruler of Aries; so whenever this Planet makes it way into the First of the Zodiac, it’s a powerful combination. I once again say that, now is the time to spice up your love life. Mars rules over desire, so combine that with Aries already impulsive nature and you got quite an interesting romance. Mars also rules over our temper and how we express it. Aries being a fire sign can lead to some intense flare ups through out the day. You might find yourself easily annoyed by things you never really payed attention to before then. Once again, up that meditation. This time is perfect to practice mindfulness and serenity. Mars may be the God of War but that doesn’t mean you have to go on a killing spree. Instead see yourself as using that confidence and will-power to bang out that presentation, or totally ace that new yoga pose. You are strong, fierce, and capable of all things!

Tip: Up your yoga practice to twice a day to really subdue that fire.

~ Jupiter in Retrograde ~

Jupiter, The King of Gods, The King of all Kings is in Retrograde. Jupiter is the planet of bounty and good luck. Jupiter also specializes in mental and spiritual growth, which is what will be focused on in this Retrograde. In reverse to the normal growth of outward, material, monetary, bounty that Jupiter brings, this time shall be one of spiritual bounty. This of course goes along perfectly with the inner planets of today, which push at inner-introspection. Jupiter encourages you on that soul search you’ve been on. He reminds you that the wealth of truly knowing yourself is the greatest bounty. Not even all the gold in the world can buy inner peace, but the cost of inner peace is true consciousness. To finally know yourself.  Your material wealth will remain unaffected if you operate with frugality, and remain conscious of your spending.

Tip: Try volunteering at local non-profits and animal shelters.

Remember to love yourself, love your enemies, and love the Universe.

Only with Love and Truth,


