astrology, horoscopes

♀Venus in Retrograde♀

As many astrologers and witches alike turn to the stars for answers,  we realize that for the next six weeks, Venus will be in retrograde! As we know, Venus is not only the goddess of love and relationships but also values, authenticity, and how we connect with people on an emotional level. This retrograde will last from March 4th to April 15th, starting in confident Aries and then falling back into the emotional sign of Pisces. During this Venus retrograde you’ll find that the biggest punches come from the last two weeks, while the beginning four weeks are just opening you up; preparing you to meet the love of your life perhaps!

To be noted: don’t make any moves to secure your twin flame until AFTER the retrograde.

This retrograde, as I said, is going to make you question your values. You should start to meditate on wha it is that you truly value in yourself, friends, and lovers. These values are subject to change often because as a light being you are constantly growing and ascending to new heights, and this may require you to change your values. What you wanted in a love last year may be different now and that’s O.K. !

Venus also helps us to understand the things that guide us in life. The more real-life and attainable goals with just a dash of loving fantasy. A tip might be to start opening up your heart chakra and calling down the wisdom of both Venus and Ishtar, as Venus will fall back into her dark ways in the later weeks of he retrograde.

Now of course with Venus comes love! You might get a call or text from an old friend who is town, or perhaps an old lover reaches out to you in hopes of restarting an old relationship. While these are all wonderful reconnections, you should still be careful of who you give your love to. Start carrying around a small chunk of rose quartz and focus on making decisions that are good for your heart. Reason whether this old flame is going to spark the appropriate feelings, and will they link up with your new found values.

You may also have deal with situations that make you question who and what you care about. Venus, is the beautiful Maiden who is loving and accepting of all; she does not have that learned wisdom that the Mother has or the skepticism of the Crone. So it is vital that you start to realize who is deserving of your love and what is worth your affection and time. While you should always keep a loving and open nature, you must appreciate that even the prettiest of roses can come with the sharpest thorns. Sometimes it is O.K. to love from a distance, and leave it at that.

Remember to love yourself, love your enemies, and love the Universe.

Only with Love and Truth,


astrology, horoscopes

Horoscopes for The Week of Feb 19

The week of Valentine’s Day is over, but this does not mean that the love has to stop! Oh, no my friends, we are still swirling around in Venus’s cauldron. So in order to help out I am giving you my readings for this weeks horoscopes ~

ARIES: With Venus still currently in Aries, it is still a hot-in-the-pants type of week. You’ll be holding a lot of powerful, passionate energy with few outlets. Find a way to expend it! Try to start working out more or invest in a trip to the sauna, let out that fiery sweat.

TAURUS: Have you been on your grind lately? Working hard and handling your business? TREAT YO SELF! You have earned it you bright beautiful Ox; take yourself on a nice dinner date or splurge on a nice gift. Do not over spend though, as there may be hardships on the horizon.

GEMINI: As the seasons start to change, so are you! The warmer weather and longer days predicts nothing but good times a head of you but remember: tidy up from Winter. Some call it Spring cleaning but you should take part! Really start cleansing your life and your aura, rid yourself of those negative energies you’ve had hovering around. Shoo! 

CANCER: Look out for opportunities to grow this week. You may be feeling a bit stunted but that is natural, we often feel hyper sensitive to stagnation before a great burst of growth. It may be a growth of the inner kind; a much needed spiritual shift in the right direction. With in inner, spiritual, and personal changes there is often truth. Seek for that truth.

LEO: Why hello there? I hope you’re ready to take charge this week. Something unusual may come up in a very usual place for you, which will cause you to take the Leo Lead. Simply, because you were caught off guard does not mean you’ll be caught off-balance.

VIRGO: Just like the Virgin, or the Maiden for my sistren, you awake with the spring time. You find this change of weather refreshing, and are ready to shake off the powder and enjoy the grass. May I suggest some outdoor yoga? Keep yourself nice and limber while waking up with Mama Earth.

LIBRA: Dear Libras, it’s time to shine! Do something forward and bold, or if you already have, start putting more effort into it. Lately you might have started a project or hobby that is turning into loads of fun! You find yourself excited to do it, so do it ! I promise that you will reap nothing but benefits.

TIP: With Jupiter currently in Retrograde, maybe try and not splurge yet. Saving is key during this time.

SCORPIO: I promise that whatever it is that is currently making you anxious all the damn time is no. Big. Deal. Even if the matter seems pressing right now, handle it in small portions. You’re wondering why your cool, scorpio head is not staying composed, and it’ snot supposed to! You are still human little earthling, maybe take some advice from the rest of humanity cool kid 😉

SAGITTARIUS: With Saturn in Sagittarius it is time to open your mind, moonbeam! Start approaching your life with a “why not” versus a “what else” attitude. The Universe has so many amazing and wonderful things to offer, and they are not always wrapped up the same. See every day as a blessing in disguise, and only look for the positive.

CAPRICORN: You beautiful, wise maiden of the field, a time of abundance is approaching for you. You may feel like all the responsibility falls down on your level-shoulders far too often; the stars agree. All of your hard work is about to pay off!

AQUARIUS: With Aquarius Season just passing, you are coming down off a natural high. These past few weeks, you may have felt like you were in your element, flowing like the waters. Well keep swimming kid, you can ride these waters comfortably into your next stage of you ride them right. I recommend a break from all the noise of social media, really get back in touch with that inner child, and CREATE .

PISCES: YAY! IT’S PISCES SEASON! This means you are stepping into your own. Your energy is strong which means the forces pushing back against it are strong too, never let your guard down. You have a gentle spirit, that could day-dream all day so enjoy a nice nap every once and awhile too. Really embrace your odd nature and start picking up hobbies you genuinely enjoy, who cares what the normals think anyway right?


~ Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Leo Follow Up Guide ~

If you have been on the Internet lately, you will know that we just passed not only a Full Moon, but also a Lunar Eclipse. Anybody with at least a toe in the astrological waters can tell you that both a Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse, bring about a mass amount of cosmic, spiritual energy! A transformative energy, that brings with it an immense amount of change.

If you did your normal Full Moon Ritual, and released all of the old, negative energy in your life, then it is time to start working on those imminent and imperative changes. Eclipses usually cause abrupt and sudden change in ones life. Occasionally this change is unprepared for; often coming in a most unexpected and unusual way. For instance:

Your looking to move up in your career, uncertain of what you can do, you find an email in your inbox. You clearly weren’t supposed to be CC’d based on the other names attached to the email, but you scroll down to see that word of a promotion is making it’s way through the office grapevine. Seizing the upper-hand of this new, and exclusive, information, you begin dropping hints to your boss. While the Eclipse can never guarantee success, it’s a 99.8% chance that the job is yours. 

With this Lunar Eclipse falling in Leo, you are bound to have tremendous success in all creative endeavors. I highly recommend carrying around some Tigers Eye during the next week as the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse effects start to set in. Not only will it open up your creative pathways, but it will also allow you to move with discernment and confidence in all your dealings.

Leo can be a bit prideful at times, and here at WitchyGals I never like to say that a characteristic is negative. Instead I say it is more prone to get us into trouble, if one doesn’t carefully monitor themselves. You may find yourself coming off of an “ego-buzz” this next week. As we move into the waning moon, a gentle start to our wind down, you might realize that you may have over-indulged during the time of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. Receipts from late-night ice cream runs and art supply stores, and maybe some beginnings of new artistic pieces. The key here is to not let that energy run wild, but to funnel it. Use it to keep working on those creative ideas and new ventures. Make sure you write down all of those wonderful, new ideas that will be coming to you in the meantime.

A Full Moon is always a time for a lot of love, and Leo Moons often have a lot of love moving around them. So a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Leo in February?!?! Cupid couldn’t have aligned the stars anymore perfectly. (Not to mention that the wonderful Venus was in full view the first 3 days of February). If you are currently pursing a love interest, whether they be human or otherwise, I suggest you follow your heart on this one. This Lunar Eclipse brings with it emotional upheaval, and truth. You may find yourself giving genuine thought to your love life, possibly receiving new information on a lover or love interest. We also, may have a lot of love in other non-romantic, relationships. Take extra care to remain calm, and loving, as your emotions are thrown into a bit of a frenzy. (Moonstone is great for clearing an emotionally hectic mind) The Truth, may come in another area of your life but you should receive this new information with love and gratefulness. The Universe seeks to help you grow and blossom; even though the truth of a matter may be hard to deal with, it is overall helping you grow into the gorgeous flower you will be.

Crystals to help with the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Leo:

  • Garnet
  • Jet
  • Malachite
  • Moonstone
  • Labradorite
  • Turquoise / Dark Turquoise
  • Bloodstone


Remember to love yourself, love your enemies, and love the Universe.

Only with Love and Truth,

