astrology, horoscopes, moon, self-love

A Letter to Empaths and Healers

A message to the healers and empaths of this society:

stop trying to not care.

Somehow someone has convinced you that caring too much makes you weak, when you are in fact far from it. In a world that has become primarily masculine in it’s thinking, not caring has become practically fashionable at this point. We are now expected to be cold-hearted and distant, celebrating how detached we are from each other. It may be easy for the everyday being to realize the moments they are expected not to feel but true empaths, and healers, can never stop feeling. They can never stop reading the emotions of the environment around them; and they should continue to do so. I know what it’s like to feel “too much”, people call you sensitive like they mean to degrade you. Insinuating that until you stop feeling, you’ll never rise to something greater. This, of course, is absolute bullshit. We know that Divine Love, which permeates all life never stops being in motion. It’s constant ebb and flow is what keeps the Universe in complete harmony. Understanding Divine Love means opening yourself up to all that surrounds you, letting down your walls and showing Love back, despite what it is. How can we begin to show Love, if we are continuing to build up walls around our emotions. Some feel that there are people who will take their love and happiness away from them and mistreat it. Everyday we see overplayed tropes of people who are worshipped because of their detached demeanor. How they can seem to only care about themselves when the world is crumbling around them. This is why we need true empaths and healers. The collectives Ego has gotten out of hand; surrounding itself with constant means of reassurance i.e. Instagram, Twitter, and social media in general. Feeding into a narcissistic people. In a world where people are so wrapped up in themselves, their feelings naturally falling to the wayside, the empaths come along and pick up the pieces. Their tears for the true pain that hurts us all, moving them to action. Society will try to convince you that these people are weak because if the true power of Love was understood, their machine would crumble to dust. If change is to be made four ourselves and for the collective, we must heal; and embrace those who are natural healers. When they can read the emotions of a room or empathize with the pain of those forgotten, it would do us all well to understand them. Listen to them.

As human beings and on this plane we communicate and express ourselves verbally: talking. We still use writing and the arts but when we think about it we have been taught that most reassurance comes through speech. This is not the case for true empaths and healers. Gifted with the amazing ability to communicate mentally, metaphysically almost. Being in touch with their true emotions so strongly, has opened them up to sense the true emotions of others. Peering through the windows to your soul for a millisecond, and they can sense what it is that ails you. What it is that ails all of us. These people who can heal us spiritually are shamans. They have mastered their emotional side and use their powers of perception and universal connectivity to help those around them. True empaths may not hear the call to shamanism but should pursue their instinctive care-giving nature. Don’t shut out what has been stitched onto your soul, which has traveled through many lives to reach you. Wherever you may have come from before this lifetime, it has left you with a deep care for the universe around you; you have most likely tasted Divine Love, possibly lived in it, and now understand how important your emotional side is. Rest assured that your intentions are true in all you do that concerns your emotional matters.

as above

so below
